Friday, October 23, 2009

Even MORE incentive to Bet Red

Since I last posted about the Tomato Nation Donors Choose drive - last night at around 8 pm EST - TN readers have raised another $5k for kids. Crazy, no? But even crazier...

One of Sarah's readers (who has already given $3k and $8k US in matching funds) has promised another $5k match if readers bring the donation total to $120k by Sunday evening. That's $5k more worth of pencils and tubas and computer equipment and books.

Think it's impossible? Check out these posts and the related comments. TN readers raised over $7k in under 7 hours in order to get the last match. I've no doubt that we'll hit the $120k and get the match, but the more money we raise by Sunday, the more matching money we'll get from HP and the more chairs and telescopes and notebooks can be sent to needy kids.

Donate if you can. You'll be rewarded with more cute Teddy photos (and maybe some video) if you do!!

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